Heart Breathings

How To Get Motivated As A Writer

How To Get Motivated As A Writer

Have you ever had a dream that just felt so big, you couldn’t fully get motivated to work on it every day? This can be a huge stumbling block and one of the most frustrating parts of trying create a new life for yourself as a professional author. Today, I’m going to give you my […]

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How To Stay Productive When You’re Sick

How To Stay Productive When You’re Sick

This is such an appropriate topic for this week, because even though I had a really busy, ambitious plan set out for this week, I woke up Monday morning feeling sick. So disappointing! In the past, I might have tried to really push myself beyond my limits, and without fail, that would always lead to […]

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt As A Writer

How To Overcome Self-Doubt As A Writer

Self-doubt is something we all face as writers, but there are ways to help overcome these feelings. Trust me, I know self-doubt on a highly personal level, and I understand how difficult it can be to deal with when you’re right in the middle of it, but I assure you that most of what self-doubt […]

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How To Crush Your Writing Goals

How To Crush Your Writing Goals

Do you have a big writing goal that you’ve been trying to meet? Maybe you’re just trying to finish your first novel, or maybe you want to increase your productivity. In today’s post, I’m going to give you five steps to crush your writing goals. Crush Your Goals These are the number one steps I […]

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How To Make 2019 Your Best Year As A Writer

How To Make 2019 Your Best Year As A Writer

December is truly one of my favorite months of the year, because it’s time to look back on what we’ve accomplished so far and look ahead to what we hope to get done in the coming year. One of my favorite thing to do in December is set my goals and daydream about how to […]

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How To Avoid Burnout As An Author

How To Avoid Burnout As An Author

Burnout is a very real and dangerous thing for authors and entrepreneurs. Our ability to make money rests solely on our ability to create and market our work, which means that periods of sustained burnout can completely tank our income and productivity. Today, we are going to talk about how to avoid burnout as authors. […]

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Five Ways Writers Sabotage Their Success

Five Ways Writers Sabotage Their Success

We all want to be successful, but one of the strange mysteries of life is that almost all of us tend to sabotage our own success at some point. We make a plan and set a few exciting goals, but then we don’t sit down and hit our word counts. Sound familiar? Today’s video post […]

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How I Sold Over Half A Million Books Self-Publishing

How I Sold Over Half A Million Books Self-Publishing

I am so excited to have the chance to talk about how I sold over half a million books so far in my self-publishing career. I self-published my first book, Beautiful Demons, back in October of 2010, and since then, I have sold more than 600,000 copies of my books. Of course, there are a […]

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My Journey To Writing What I Love

My Journey To Writing What I Love

Now that you’ve hopefully spent some time exploring what it is you truly want from your writing career, let’s talk about one of the next big decisions you’ll need to make on your road to being published. Where should you start? What book or series should you actually write? It sounds like such a simple […]

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Cultivating Joy As An Indie Author

Cultivating Joy As An Indie Author

The business of being a writer is one of emotional ups and downs. Sometimes words are flowing, but other times, our well has totally run dry. There are days when we feel like we’re finally finding our way and moving forward, but there are others where we feel so lost and alone. I’ve been there […]

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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