Heart Breathings

Planner 101: How To Use A Planner To Get More Done

December 6, 2019 by Sarra Cannon

Planning And Organization

Welcome back to the blog for our final video in my Planner 101 series. Today, we’re going to talk about some tips for how to use your planner to get more done.

Tips For Using Your Planner

  1. Create A Daily Habit
  2. Keep Your Planner Accessible All Day
  3. Make Tasks Easy To Identify
  4. Know What Makes You Want To Use Your Planner
  5. Prioritize Your Tasks

Join My HB90 Bootcamp

The final round of my HB90 Bootcamp for the year is right around the corner, and I’d love for you to join me! Right now, the course is $20 off its normal price, so it’s the best time to start planning for 2020.


Come To My Free 2020 Writing Plan Workshop December 8th!

I’ll also be hosting a free 2020 writing plan workshop live over on my YouTube channel December 8th, which is this Sunday, at 3PM Eastern Time US.

I’ll be going through a process found in my free workbook, so if you want to get ahead and have it printed and ready to go, join my newsletter below to get your free workbook.

Join My Newsletter And Get Your Free 2020 Writing Plan Workbook!

Subscribe and I’ll send you a free bonus workbook to plan your 2020 Writing Schedule!

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    If you’re already on my newsletter, check your email! I’ve already sent you a link to download this free resource! I’ll see you there!!

    Sarra Cannon


    1. Jodi Shaw says:

      This was the first time someone actually explained what the reason is behind using washi tape and stickers on a planner. I am a huge creative person, so the idea of a daily and weekly planner is great. I use a binder with tabs. One for my 90 days Kanban project ideas which I break down to put on my board. One for weekly projects to add to my daily planner to get done. I have two sections in my daily planner. One is personal, so groceries, paying bills, helping my son with homework, going for a walk. The other is for writing and the goals I’ve set for that day.

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    Sarra Cannon

    Hi, I'm Sarra!

    I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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